SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Help with some newbie questions...

I purchased jaikoz just a few hours ago and trying to get it to work. Since the trial only lets you save 10 files its not something I noticed until I loaded more files in.

I am very meticulous about never letting files into my iTunes until they have been tagged with Picard so all my files have MBIDs.

[1] When I try to use the Update from MBIDs feature it always stalls at the same spot (i’ve left it for 30 minutes without it moving tot he next file), but the logs show no errors. If I cancel the process and try to run the process again it wont even get past 1 file. I’ve tried restarting the program a few times, does exactly the same thing every time.

[2] Why does it use such an incredible amount of RAM? After loading in 6500 songs its up to 1.1gb of memory before it can’t take it anymore. That is ridiculous, are you storing all the album art in RAM? There must be an option to turn this off.

[3] How does the iTunes update work? I’ve tried using it but it takes about 30 seconds each song and leaves iTunes with 2 or 3 bad copies of the same file. Totally unusable.

I wasn’t expecting jaikoz to handle my whole library in one go, but I do expect it to work on at least a few hundred files at a time. I can accept that I won’t be able to use [3] and even work around the limits of [2] but [1] is an absolute must.

What can I do to diagnose the problem with [1]? Thanks

None of these problems should be occurring - with the default settings you should be able to load and fix about 10,000 songs at a time. Artwork is not stored in ram although the textual metadata is which with hindsight was a mistake.

Please send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) so I can investigate further.

[quote=paultaylor]None of these problems should be occurring - with the default settings you should be able to load and fix about 10,000 songs at a time. Artwork is not stored in ram although the textual metadata is which with hindsight was a mistake.

Please send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) so I can investigate further.[/quote]

Having read my post again I feel I left too my attitude in there - so sorry about that. This is what i’ve found out with more fiddling.

The ‘stalling’ was due to AmpliFIND, when I turn it off it has no problem updating the files from existing MBIDs. So thats sorted.

What are you storing the Derby db (mines 577mb after loading in just a small fraction of my library)? Perhaps the next major version could have a checkbox to use a temporary table in derby to store the loaded meta - this would be must slower but effectively allow me to load in my 75k songs and save them all over night.

The iTunes update feature is unlikely to be a problem with Jaikoz. I’ve found over the years that as iTunes gets bigger the interface stays quite zippy but the need for it to flush the whole XML library every little change makes it lag a hell of a lot when changing any meta.

Next question; After saving a bunch of files in Jaikoz I need iTunes to refresh these files. In the old days when I only had AAC files it would be easy by going to Get Info > clicking OK. But that doesn’t work for MP3s.

I’m on mac. I have itunes organising my music and don’t allow jaikoz to move any files. I’ve tried;

  1. Get Info > make no changes. Doesn’t work.
  2. Get Info > select some useless field like volume control. Doesn’t work.
  3. Dragging the folders back into itunes. It gives a progress bar that its scanning files but doesn’t work.
  4. Run Consolidate Library. Doesn’t work.

The weird thing is sometimes (only sometimes) when I drag the folder in iTune will add some of the file to the library again. That is, files that have exactly the same file location, I don’t know why thats happening.

Any ideas?

Actually sounds like you are running Correct Metadata from Musicbrainz when you should run Update Metadata From Existing Musicbrainz Id to jst update the metadata for tracks that have alreayd been matched. I think this is what you are doing because only Correct uses Amplifind.

The derby db stores the metadata of your songs, so on subsequent startups Jaikoz can read the metdata from the db rather than the files themselves resulting in much faster startup. Unfortunately on startup for the files you actually select to load that metadata then gets stored in memory so it doesnt save memory just speed, (although the artwork metadata is held in the database and only an icon image is held in RAM). When you do matching from Musicbrainz your lookups are also stored in the database so queries do not need to be resent. Changing Jaikoz so that its main edit view is served directly by the table is a massive change which I would like to resolve, but it will not be easy.

What you can do if you have a powerful machine is increase the RAM allocated, Jaikoz does not automatically make use of free RAM on your machine you have to increase the memory paramters (its in the help). I know other users who have increased the RAM nad manage to load over 100,000 songs.

That works okay for me, but I dont understand why your iTunes update is not working for you it shoud n’t be too slow, it would help if you send your support files (Advanced/Create SUpport Files)

Next question; After saving a bunch of files in Jaikoz I need iTunes to refresh these files. In the old days when I only had AAC files it would be easy by going to Get Info > clicking OK. But that doesn’t work for MP3s.
That works okay for me, but I dont understand why your iTunes update is not working for you it shoud n’t be too slow, it would help if you send your support files (Advanced/Create SUpport Files)[/quote]

After pulling my hair out for an hour or so trying to work out if there was any ‘native’ way I came up blank. I ended up modding a very old applescript. Even though it was written 5 years ago it did exactly as promised. I just added a few tweaks and now it makes a very easy way to refresh songs from directly inside iTunes.

I select a large chunk of track in iTunes -> drag them directly to Jaikoz window -> Command+1 -> Run Refresh Selected Tags script from the script menu (having still got all the songs selected) and I have a clean update. Works quiet nicely.

I am not sure if this will help you but look at

This is a neat script that runs in iTunes that will look for music that is not in the iTunes database.

I have Jaikoz iTunes auto update turned off. When I am finished working with the songs in jaikoz I move/save the file in my iTunes music directory.

I then run the MFFNA and it shows me files that are in the iTunes music directory but not in the iTunes database.

I can then say add, and they get added to the iTunes database.


[quote=rpm4fsu]I am not sure if this will help you but look at

This is a neat script that runs in iTunes that will look for music that is not in the iTunes database.

I have Jaikoz iTunes auto update turned off. When I am finished working with the songs in jaikoz I move/save the file in my iTunes music directory.

I then run the MFFNA and it shows me files that are in the iTunes music directory but not in the iTunes database.

I can then say add, and they get added to the iTunes database.


But then that messes up your ratings and play counts since iTunes doesn’t understand the files have moved.