I’ve spent a lot of time trying to edit the masks and I’m not being successful at all! I’ve run "my versions) a few times and managed to mess things up. I’m not remotely a coder…Any chance you can create some scripts that I can plug in? Here’s what I’m looking to do…
AlbumArtist or Artist/Year - Album/Disc # (if multi) - Disc Name (if it exists)/Disc#-Track#-Title
For example - Bob Dylan/1985 - Biograph/Disc 1 - “The Early Years” /1-01 Lay Lady Lay
Additionally, for Compilations that ARE NOT by the same artist (ie Various Artists), I’m trying to do this -
Various Artists/2005 - 3 Decades of Rock/Disc 1 - “The 90’s”/1-01 Song Title
Thanks so much for any help you might be able to provide!!