I’ve been playing around with the program lately, it’s nice but for some reason it’s only about 70% accurate in terms of results, this wouldn’t be that bad since the manual search manages to clean up most of these problems quickly with a little work.
But for some songs it just can’t seem to get it at all, even though they exist on MusicBrainz, this is a problem imo.
Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I’ll use an example that if I could get working, it should help with others like it.
It’s a song on the Casino OST disc 2, called Compared To What by Les McCann & Eddie Harris.
I used acoustic ID, I played around with the score scales, I renamed the name of the song to be case sensitive so it reads like it does on the DB but still it will not find it, it finds other releases of the song, even in manual search.
Is there some way to tell the program to make a connection with the rest of the soundtrack (which is identified correctly for the most part), so that it can point that song to the soundtrack too? Is that what cluster does? In Picard you can drag and drop from the wrong releases to the right one and it seems to work, this would be very useful in Jaikoz.
Thanks for any help.