SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum


When I analyse a number of files with Autocorrector, the program always gets stuck at "Task 15 of 18: retrieve acoustic IDs’. I left this for days and it never progresses. It seems to work if I do just a few files (around 45 seems okay) but many more results in this hanging.

Any suggestions?!

I enclose a screen shot.


Hi have you uninstalled fix5 from here

I think this would fix the problem

Thanks for the swift reply. Sorry, I should have mentioned that I already did this having checked other postings. Unfortunately I still have the same problem. The ‘old’ java file is still there, should I trash it perhaps?


Ok, please try the beta, that has a number of fixes not all of which are listed in the betas page.

Thanks very much for this, which I have now tried. It did work better but in the end still hung, with the message: ‘4768 songs processed so far’ . And it has not moved from that for several hours.

The log also shows quite a lot of songs have “error 2”.

I enclose a screen shot.

Perhaps I should just do smaller batches? To get to 4000 took overnight!



I can’t see screenshot, but I think this is dues to a problem with forum. Please email to support at jthink dot net together with the files zipped up using the new ‘Action/Create Support Files’ option.

Also perhaps run Create Acoustic Ids outside of the Autocorrecter, by default acoustic ids are saved to the file as they are created so you dont need to rerun this task on the files processed even if it hangs.