I’m a very new user to Jaikoz so I’m probably just doing something wrong.
Lately I’ve been ripping all of my CDs, verifying the rips with AccurateRip, and converting the tracks to FLAC files. Each disc is in its own folder. The FLAC files are currently named 01.flac, 02.flac, etc. and contain no metadata at all (which is why I’m using Jaikoz, of course).
I’ve got Jaikoz 4.5.7 NGS. I test it by putting about 10 albums a folder and use “Add Folder” then “Autocorrect Songs”. This works okay, except for a lot of albums it finds one or two songs on a different release (like a compilation album or whatever).
From what I’ve read here, I should be able to get around this by enabling the option “Group songs by folder only” under Remote Correct::Match. But this option seems to have no effect. I can correct each album manually by finding/selecting all of the tracks that should be on the album and doing Action->Match to Release->Match Songs to one MusicBrainz Release, but I need to be able to batch this or it will take forever.
If I enable the option “Only match complete releases” under Remote Correct::Match, Jaikoz fails to match anything at all.
Can you please help me fix this? Thank you!