SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

group songs by folder not working

I noticed that the Group songs by folder option is no longer working. I have an artist folder and within it about 12 sub folders which are all different albums. Jaikoz is now matching many of the folders to a single compilation album spanning across multiple folders instead of restricting an album to a folder.

Have you seen this?

It doesn’t restrict an album to a folder, its restricts a folder to an album. i.e all songs in one folder must match to an album.

But I plan to add your requested feature for restricting matches to only releases where all songs are matched, its detailed in this songkong issue


I noticed you have created this option in jira. Can’t wait to try it! :smiley:

I used another program to try to fill in missing lyrics and it really messed up all my meta data. Truncated my artist, album, and track names and erased all the other fields. So I need jaikoz to go in and fix everything once again! Luckily it didnt move any of my files or rename any of the folders so those are still in place from when jaikoz tagged everything correct the first time before this other program messed things up.

EDIT: I wasn’t going to mention the name of the software, but upon thinking about it more, it would unfair for me to not warn others about something that can mess up years worth of tagging. So stay away from Zortam or at the very least make sure you have a separate backup of all your tunes before you try it out!

I plan to add to Jaikoz soon, but its already added to the new version of SongKong out a few days ago so it would be interesting if you could try it out in SongKong amd see what you think.

Just updated sk and will give it a go. Haven’t used it in a while as I am a hardcore jaikoz user :slight_smile:

I will say though that I am already super impressed with all the work you have done on SongKong. It is laid out very nicely and the options are well presented. Running around 10k files while set to preview to get an idea of what it will do and will let you know what I find.


I find the reporting a little more confusing in songkong. Not sure how to verify this feature is working. I dont see a quick way to just see releases that it identifies but is missing songs on like in jaikoz.

I see a lot of songs that are listed under “Matched to Musicbrainz recording only” Not sure why there would be anything at all in that section with those 2 options turned on. Shouldn’t be matching 1 off songs to a single recording and not a release. On the songs that it is doing this one, it is breaking the full release that is located in the folder.

Hmm, the purpose of match recording only is that when we cannot match the songs to a release but we have been able to identify the song correctly using acoustid that we just update recordingid, artist and songtitle, which is particulary helpful if any of these values were blank as it may faciiltate a release match to discogs that would not be possiible without this basic information.

It shouldn’t break up releases as we don’t modify the release field and we don’t rename files that are only matched by recording only but I could have made a mistake here with this new feature, can you give me more information on how it breaks up a folder .

True, I have two ideas about this one either:

  1. Expand the Matched to MusicBrainz Release section so that when you look at an album it shows all songs on the albums, with the one not matched highlighted/listed to make it clear not matched.

this would allow you to easily see how all the details regarding an album, but it doesn’t make it easy to list all the incomplete albums.

  1. Split Matched to MusicBrainzRelease into two sections:
    Complete Match to MusicBrainz Release
    Partial Match to MusicBrainz Release

this would make it very easy to see partial matches, but I concerned that it makes SongKong appear more complex.

Or I could actually implement 1 & 2.

That would be nice, or maybe even add the Missing songs report that jaikoz has to sk.

So I decided to take about 3k songs and open them in jaikoz and delete out all the MB and discogs info, but keep the basic stuff like artist, album, song, and album artist and load it into sk. That way I could run a fix in sk, load it back into jaikoz and do a quick visual on how well it worked.

Unfortunately, after I modified them in jaikoz and close it out, I started back up sk and can not seem to get it to run. I can select the folder, I click on the fix icon or the menu fix option, everything gets grayed out and i never get the popup box indicator showing what it is fixing or loading. All i have is just the main window grayed out.

I uninstalled it and reinstalled it but it does the exact same thing, even restarted my system. I can click on the grayed out menus and see the grayed out items within them, so the program is responsive and not frozen. Any ideas what is going on?

Tried a few other things and still can not get SK to run. I emailed you my support files in case you get a chance to look at it.



I think Ive found the problem preventing SongKong run, please read

for problem and workaround. Ive fixed it for new release out next week


Tried it out in sk and it works really well!

I loaded the files into jaikoz (i like being able to visually see all the songs as well as jaikoz reporting) to see if i had any songs that were tagged to a mb release that were missing tracks and there were none. I really liked how I can then go in and only have to focus on manually updating the albums that were not matched in mb.

Can’t wait to see this option in jaikoz! :slight_smile: