SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Going crazy over AutoCorrect

I going crazy over the auto correct feature - Just look at the results for some very simple songs… Especially in the ALBUM field… It’s only a 50% success rate.

Layla and Other Love Songs?
Comfortably Numb - No Result?
The Beagles? (It overwrote Eagles for that)
Born in the Studio?
Imagine: All the Outtakes?
Yesterday? (Is that even a Beatles Album)?

These results are absurd, something is terribly wrong. How do I get (or is it even possible) to get the ORIGINAL STUDIO ALBUM for these very simple songs? Not some obscure uncirculated release.

Hi Ajedo

You’ve given me the results but not the original data so I have to say it may well be that your source data is a better match to these compilations then the original songs. Assume for a minute you have a complete compilation album you’d probably ant to match to the same album rather than split the songs over into their original albums. f you email your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) that would help me get a clearer picture of your situation.

Having said all that please try restarting Jaikoz and enabling Preferences:Remote Correct:Match:Prefer do not Match to Various Artist Compilation and Prefer do not Match to Single Artist Compilation that should solve the issue. If you saved the incorrect matches you need to clear the MB Recording id field or disable Preferences:MusicBrainz:Automatch:Do not match online if already have a Musicbrainz Recording Id to make Jaikoz match again.

As you say these are popular songs, but because they are popular songs they can be found on many different albums, so in that sense it is more difficult to match them to the right album then more obscure songs.

In my experience, absurd results come from absurd queries.

Assuming you have Paul’s settings above and things still aren’t working, you can do some things to troubleshoot your own files:

  • It appears you have Artist, but not Album. You can sort by Artist, then run the AC only on that artist. This rules the VA releases out completely.
  • If you can’t get release matches on just that artist, you’ll need to single out an album. This is easy if you have things filed by folder. Otherwise, try singling out the files for just one release. Referencing MB would be wise. Run the AC on this one album. This rules out any compilations or reissues.
  • If the AC still won’t find it, then you can try “Match to specified” and enter the MBID you used to single out that album. This will usually give you an error, like “track nn not found”, “nn songs required”, or a bunch of time discrepancies. This rules out your files; if it still won’t match you have some seriously wrong settings.

You’re dealing with some popular music, but it is entirely possible that your album is not in MB yet, which you should have caught at the second step. If that’s the case join MB and add it in.

Some analysis of the file does indicate some problems resulting in these issues being created:

These problems now resolved in Jaikoz 5.0.0