SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Get only a few acoustids. Why?

Sending 16 songs with the command: Retrieve Acoust Id using Acoustid Server to get the aucoustids for these songs. I get all 16 fingerprints but only for two songs the acoustid. Why?
Support-files sent.
Something wrong with the Acoustid Server or something wrong with the files?

Because 14 of the songs donot match an existing fingerprint that is why it says submitted 14 new fingerprints. Acoustids are not always generated imediately by Acoustid server but if you run it again does it now retrieve AcoustIds for all files?

I can run it again and again, No acoustid will be generated. I deleted the fingerprints and acoustid columns and run the command again. No better result.

So it sounds like there is an issue with Acoustid server, sometimes for various reasons they stop creates new Acoustids, but please send your support files in case there is another issue.

I sent you the support files. You should have them

Intresting. Nothing done on my side but now I get the missing acoustids for all tracks that had none.
Maybe a bottleneck repaired on the server side.?

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Yes I think that was the problem