SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Genres displayed as numbers

In Jaikoz I use the dialog box to add and rename genres. As you know, I’m using multiples in that one field. An XLS export shows the genre as this:

But in Winamp and XBMC it looks like this (Looking at the file in Notepad TCON shows the same):

I realize these are the default ID3 values, but I thought Jaikoz was supposed to write them all as text. Is there a way to NOT match genres to ID3 value?

As you can imagine, I now have a zillion Pop/Rock entries when sorting by genre. :evil:

I noticed the same problem a few months back. If I remember correctly what I did to fix this was to go into the jaikoz preferences and turn on itunes friendly genres. Then I opened a batch of songs and did a force save.

This seemed to fix the issue for me, as I was having the same problem with some applications not able to translate the genre ids correctly.

Huh, that’s kinda counterintuitive. I’ll try it out. Thx man.

Well, that is a bit closer. Now TCON shows:

FWIW, my Save tab settings are:
ID3Tag V2
Always write tag
Save Existing Fields… checked

Do not unsyschronize… checked
Save genres in iTunes friendly… checked
Always write MP4… unchecked
Upload and Save ratings… WMP

Any ideas?

I have tried everything I can think of, and the only possible solution is to paste the entire “Pop/Rock;Metal;Hardcore” string in the genre field as one entry. I have not tested this to see it they’re searchable, but it’s a whole 'nuther step to add to my already-tedious workflow that I’d rather not do.

Paul, is this just a limitation? Is Jaikoz supposed to work this way?