SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Genre won't update

I am tagging Pearl Jam’s “Vs” album. MB matches, Discogs matches but the Genre does not update. Most songs say “Other” and 1 says “Rock”, tags that were probably already there from the initial rip.

I tried to update with Discogs only but Jaikoz says there is no Discogs match while the summary tab says there is one. Even after manually adding the discogs ID.

Help? I am running the latest Jaikoz on Mac OS X.

[quote=Digweed]I am tagging Pearl Jam’s “Vs” album. MB matches, Discogs matches but the Genre does not update. Most songs say “Other” and 1 says “Rock”, tags that were probably already there from the initial rip.
Do you mean Jaikoz matches to Musicbrainz and Discogs release but just the Genre isnt getting updated field, or do you just mean it looks like your songs should match the Musicbrainz/Discogs release but Jaikoz hasnt matched them ?

If you have a group of songs that Autcorect is failing to match but you can see a match you can use Match Songs to Discogs Specified Release, see

(Just manually adding in the discogs url into the Disocgs Release Url field will have no effect because Correct Metadata from Musicbrainz/Discogs is for matching to a release by metadata/acoustid).

It turned out to be a setting, I had “Only match if matches to Musicbrainz release” enabled. Disabled it and everything updates just fine.