SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Fully Matched Song Question


In the settings under basic there is an option for songs already fully matched and the choices are ignore, Update Meta & filename, Rematch.

If I have albums with missing/wrong sized artwork and the option is set to ignore BUT the album is identified will songkong just skip this album, i.e. will it know the album is matched and not care that there is missing/wrong sized art?

Thank you

Yes, if set to Ignore those files are skipped. Note adding artwork is only done as part of updating metadata from MusicBrainz/Discogs.

Thank you, but just to confirm, if Songkong does not find any artwork I will not be notified in any way currently?

I dont fully understand your question, but if you ask SongKong to ignore files then they will be ignored. However the created report BrowseBy section does include ignored songs and currently highlughts those in orange that were not matched to musicbrainz/disocgs.

You will be pleased to know in the new version (already done and to be released this week) there will also be an indicator to show if songs in an album have artwork, and a way of filtering the albums so only those with/without artwork are shown.

[quote=paultaylor]I dont fully understand your question, but if you ask SongKong to ignore files then they will be ignored. However the created report BrowseBy section does include ignored songs and currently highlughts those in orange that were not matched to musicbrainz/disocgs.

You will be pleased to know in the new version (already done and to be released this week) there will also be an indicator to show if songs in an album have artwork, and a way of filtering the albums so only those with/without artwork are shown.[/quote]

That’s great to hear! I look forward to it as it will remove a process I have to do before Songkong… thank you

This was released as part of SongKong 6.6 Red