SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Folder Renaming File Renaming Help

Jaikoz is too powerful for my mind to comprehend the how to write my own scripts. My last idea for a script was too complicated and generated weird results.

What I ran into with my last tagging idea you adeptly assisted me with revealed some shortcomings in my scheme. In compilations and various artists compilations, it would use the individual song’s release track for my Release date Label Medium mask. I wanted to keep all the tracks under a directory for the whole album.

I greatly appreciate your software and talent. If you can help again, it would be a blessing.


Here’s my current idea:

Single Artist Single Album

Source information:

I have three copies, two CD and HDTracks.

R/Reed, Lou/1972 ? Street Hassle/2002 BMG Heritage CD/01 ? Vicious.flac
R/Reed, Lou/1972 ? Street Hassle/2009 Sony Music CD/01 ? Vicious.flac
R/Reed, Lou/1972 ? Street Hassle/2012 HDTracks HD/01 ? Vicious.flac

Single Artist Compilation
Single information:–2003)

I have one copy. For single artist (not various artists) compilations, I want to follow the same format for single artist single album. Both for Single and Multiple CD sets. Sequential numbering for multiple discs all in same folder.
R/Reed, Lou/2003 ? NYC Man/2002 BMG Heritage CD/01 ? Who Am I (Tripitena’s Song).flac

Various Artists Compilations
Source Information:'s_Gallery:_Pirate_Ballads,_Sea_Songs,_and_Chanteys

Sequential numbering for multiple discs all in same folder.

V/Various Artists/Rogue?s Gallery Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys/2006 Anti CD/01 ? Baby Gramps ? Cape Cod Girls.flac
V/Various Artists/Rogue?s Gallery Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys/2006 Anti CD/24 ? Jack S*&t - Boney ? Cape Cod Girls.flac

Sorry I am really struggling to decode your question, can you post what you want in a form like

{artist}/{album}{trackNo} (i.e. use field names)

with the variations required, then perhaps I can help.

I’ll try. I’m not an expert on the field names. Also, I’m sometimes don’t realize the difference in field names and will use one that does not do what I want and creates multiple folders for one album. I’ll give it a go. I’ll work on it tonight.

I just mean pseudo filenames, i.e i mean if you want to display album show me an example with {album} rather than the name of a particular album that I then have to decode as an album.

Yah, sorry about the confusion. I can be a bit thick sometimes. I’ll review the data fields section of the manual. Then I’ll do the generic placeholders examples. I appreciate your patience.

I apologize for the absence. I used the Metadate Field Names from the manual.

Again, I appreciate your help on this. I got a lot of stuff organized with SongKong, though now, I need to do the fine-tuning of some titles.

Year format: YYYY. I am fuzzy here on Year. I believe it to represent the release year as in Surrealist Pillow, originally released 1967, but the album being tagged is a reissue from 2004. The Year value would be 2004 not 1967?

If the Media or Year field is empty, is there a way to condense the tag name and not have an empty space?
First letter of Sort Album Artist is used to create first directory

Single Artist

Single Artist (Multi-Disc)

Single Artist (Compilation)

Single Artist (Compilation) (Mulit-Disc)

Various Artists

Various Artist (Multi-Disc)