I like to fetch the original year to display for the folder mask, but many non-compilations have differing dates which causes multiple folders to appear. Is there a way to fetch only one date to display for the folder, preferably the date with the preponderance of equal values?
(1993) Before These Crowded Streets [BMG-07863 67660-2]
(1998) Before These Crowded Streets [BMG-07863 67660-2]
(2001) Before These Crowded Streets [BMG-07863 67660-2]
In this instance 1998 has 9 titles (the majority), while 1993 and 2001 have 1 each. I’d like to only fetch 1998 for all titles so they appear in one folder:
(1998) Before These Crowded Streets [BMG-07863 67660-2]
I’m sure there’s a logical statement for this.