[quote=Don]I want to thank you too for the code,
but I want to get it a lil bit further.
I’ve always used to have it like this:
Folder Code:
$if(%grouping%,%grouping%)%folderseperator%$if(%grouping%,%grouping%)$if(%year%, - [%year%])$if(%album%, - %album%)$if(%disctotal%, [%disctotal% Discs]%folderseperator%Disc %discno%)$if(%comments%, - %comments%)$if(%disctotal%,%folderseperator%)
Track Code:
$if(%discno%,%discno%-)$if(%tracktotal%,%tracktotal%)$if(%trackno%,%trackno% - )$if(%artist%,%artist% - )$if(%title%,%title%)
Output Sample was:
METALLICA/METALLICA - [1998] - Garage Inc. [2 Discs]/Disc 1/1-1103 - Metallica - Sabbra Cadabra
In the ‘Grouping’ field I use to put the Artist and capitalize it, rename the folder and then deleting it back again. It worked perfectly until now.
I’ve tried to translate it into a java code but there is somehow a dog burried in it. Something’s going terribly wrong.
Can someone help me? Please! With extra sugar upon!
Thanx a lot!
P.S.: Watch the pic attached for better understanding.
P.P.S.: Is there any possibility to make it somehow automatically capitalizing or formating any other field of my choice? Like not only Artist, Album or those standard fields. For example, the Composer or whatever. Or even better, a custom field. It would make a lotta things way easier and faster going. It would be cool!
Greetz Don[/quote]
I’ve used ‘Comment’ as an extra information field for albums with extra or bonus discs. The best example is Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium - Disc 1: Jupiter & Disc 2: Mars.