SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Files are not saved

Not to their appropriate subfolder, and as filed as another bug-report, not with their proper new filenames.

This means that after I have run the auto-corrector, I have to also:

  1. Manually inspect the list of files and run the task correct subfolders from metadata for files that have not been corrected
    1. Manually inspect the list of files and run the task correct filenames from metadata for files that have not been corrected

This is an inconvenience, as it means that if you want to have corrected files put in a different folder so as to get rid of old folder.jpg, cues and logs and whatnot files, and you then delete the original files, you lose lots of music.

Which isn’t quite intuitive.

[quote=MAzE5h1p69wB]Not to their appropriate subfolder, and as filed as another bug-report, not with their proper new filenames.
So this is the problem with not being renamed when run after Correct from Discogs, stilll not seeing this problem myself.

Why can you not just run against all files as these tasks don’t take long, but if there is a problem I need to get to the bottom of it.

This is an inconvenience, as it means that if you want to have corrected files put in a different folder so as to get rid of old folder.jpg, cues and logs and whatnot files, and you then delete the original files, you lose lots of music.
Which isn’t quite intuitive.[/quote]
Sorry, you’ve lost me I dont follow.

I suppose I could, only it’s ten times quicker to do this for the files that haven’t been renamed.

Do you by “if there is a problem I need to get to the bottom of it.” mean to imply you are interested in any further information / testing on this issue?

I remind you of my suggestion in a previous thread, that you download a few music-files and run Jaikoz against them as a way of revealing bugs yourself.

They are there, trust me.

Today I have tested matching against Discogs on a set of 5,000 files, and that test has been run three times without seeing the problem you mention. I need more info and your support files to solve this.

Ive found often that a problem that occurs consistently for one user may ONLY happen for that user sets of circumstances, and it is very difficult for me to replicate it just trying things out blindly.

I’ve uploaded an archive of screenshots and logfiles to

The screenshot in after_filename_not_saved.png shows how filenames are not saved according to my settings, as shown in rename_file_from_metadata.png.
The screenshot in after_subfolder_not_saved.png shows how subfolders are not saved according to my settings, as shown in rename_subfolder_from_metadata.png.

The screenshot in manual_correction_of_subfolders.png shows how subfolders are corrected after I manually run this specific task.
There were around 633 files that needed subfolders corrected, and around 136 files that needed filenames corrected.

EDIT: Also note that I don’t use Discogs as a step in manipulators (nor manually unless I feel like it).

Thanks Ive now downloaded the zip file and will take a look tommorrow

Hi, look like there could be two possible causes of this problem

  1. In Autocorrecter you have Save Changes as the last task, I wonder if the error you are getting saving some duplicate files is breaking that song being updated with output of other task.

  2. In Autocorrcter you have ‘Save Song by Song’ checked, this means that where possible tasks are chained, i.e in one thread song 1 has its filename and subfolder corrected.

Can you try running with Save Changes taken out and then with Song By Song unchecked and see if it works consistently in either case.

  1. is wrong, 2) is most likely.

I’ve observed that the error is non-reproducible, meaning I can run a set of some 10 files and one isn’t renamed, then when I switch around the order of save changes it doesn’t affect the outcome.

And later runs of the same 10 files do not reproduce the error.

I will uncheck song by song and see how that goes.