SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Filenames Of Songs Changed, But Original Names Appear

Hi, I’ve been using Jaikoz for a while, to automatically correct metadata for some of my music. I’ve hit a very strange problem though - I ripped a music DVD, and the ripping program gave the tracks 'Chapter" rather than the actual song titles. I went through all 22 tracks on my Mac, and renamed them correctly. However, when I look at them on the uPnP browser app., the songs have reverted to their original filenames. Looking at the file properties on the Mac shows no sign of these old filenames.

When I load the album into Jaikoz this also only shows the original “Chapter” filenames, and searching for the album shows no results. I’m rather flummoxed by this; the original titles must be hiding somewhere in the metadata. But why don’t the new, correct filenames show?

Also, a numpty question - how do I change the name of an album? I can only seem to edit one track at a time.

[quote=Suffolk Tony]Hi, I’ve been using Jaikoz for a while, to automatically correct metadata for some of my music. I’ve hit a very strange problem though - I ripped a music DVD, and the ripping program gave the tracks 'Chapter" rather than the actual song titles. I went through all 22 tracks on my Mac, and renamed them correctly. However, when I look at them on the uPnP browser app., the songs have reverted to their original filenames. Looking at the file properties on the Mac shows no sign of these old filenames.

When I load the album into Jaikoz this also only shows the original “Chapter” filenames, and searching for the album shows no results. I’m rather flummoxed by this; the original titles must be hiding somewhere in the metadata. But why don’t the new, correct filenames show?
Hi Tony sounds like there is some confusion between filenames and track titles. Modifying the track name will not effect the filename unless you rename the filebased on the track name. Likewise modifying the filename has no effect on the track name.

So it sounds like you have edited the filename rather than the Track Name (Title field), UPnP doesnt really care what the filename is, it only displays the metadata.

[quote=Suffolk Tony]
Also, a numpty question - how do I change the name of an album? I can only seem to edit one track at a time.[/quote]
Select the fields you want to edit in the main spreadsheet view, then select Edit/Set Value to set them all to the same value.

Many thanks for your prompt reply Paul. So I’m wondering - is there any easy way to change the track names to the file names please?

The best way would be to place the Filename column to the left of the Title column and then make use of Prepend to Right or Append To Right

See these posts for details: