SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Filename won't update, won't grab certain album art

Pretty nice program you have here. It is usually simple to work and it got about 100 out of 130 Indie songs right. But now I’m having some problems.
On one song I had to find the song info myself by googling lyrics. After this I found the album on MusicBrainz, matched it with the AcoutID in Jaikoz and uploaded those to MB, added album art and Jaikoz grabbed the album art I had just uploaded.
But it refuses to rename the file. I haven’t messed with any settings. It worked fine for the other 100 songs but now it wont work. I right click on the little gray box to the left of the song in Jaikoz and find the button to rename file based on metadata but it has no effect. I have a dozen more like this.
There are also songs that won’t grab albumart. Like “We talk like machines” By “Savoire Adore”. Go to MB and find it. There is album art, but it refuses to grab it.

Not sure, would be easier if you could email support at jthink dot net with your support files (Advanced:Create Support Files)

Well I downloaded MediaMonkey and will just have to use it for fixing the filenames and AIMP3 for it’s tag editor to fix album art issues.
I squeezed a few more successes out of Jaikoz by fixing the artist and album manually and then doing the MB tag which grabbed everything correctly.

Still it is useful enough for me to buy pro.

Some of the songs i tagged came back as being part of a compilation that i never heard of and can’t find it on the internet at all. Aside from going to Musicbrainz and trying to remove all LSTN compilations, what can i do?

I found an option “Do extra searches to find original release”. Will that help weed out compilation albums? (Thank god sharable playlists are putting an end to needless compilation albums for good)

Can you make the basefolder, subfolder and filenam columns visible and try again and see if it has any effect. I cannot see any errors wrt in your log files.

There are also songs that won’t grab albumart. Like “We talk like machines” By “Savoire Adore”. Go to MB and find it. There is album art, but it refuses to grab it.[/quote]
Hi so looking at (you can use View menu to see various MB pages linked to a file) the artwork displayed by MusicBrainz comes from Amazon. The primary artwork source used by MB is the Cover Art Archive, but when this has no artwork it may use Amazon instead. But we can only use the Amazon image if its url can be derived from the ASIN (Amazon Id), sometinmes it can and sometimes as in this case it cannot.

Also sometimes the images linked to are in a slightly corrupted format and cannot be read, and I can see an instance of this in your logs as well.

[quote=bob-loblaw]Some of the songs i tagged came back as being part of a compilation that i never heard of and can’t find it on the internet at all. Aside from going to Musicbrainz and trying to remove all LSTN compilations, what can i do?

I found an option “Do extra searches to find original release”. Will that help weed out compilation albums? (Thank god sharable playlists are putting an end to needless compilation albums for good)[/quote]

Okay, so if your songs were already organized one folder = one album then you could ensure that these grouping were not broken up and songs incorrectly matched to compilations rather than original studio releases using Preferences:Remote Correct Group Songs By Folder Only. However I think looking at your log files you just gave Jaikoz a single folder containing random songs so you cannot do that, but you can get Jaikoz to prefer non-compilation releases by checking Preferences:Remote Correct:Match:Prefer Do not match Various Artist Compilations so it would usually match to original release. However if Musicbrainz ONLY contains the compilation release it will still use that - which is what people usually want.

The Do extra searches to find original release option is not relevant. Actually Im working on a new version of Jaikoz where this option is removed because it s no longer neccessary.