SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Filename from Tags patterns & Selected Files only

Main bug:
Filenames from tags works the first time but if the setting is changed, invoking it again makes no changes to the filenames. Revert to saved and invoking it does use the new pattern.

Maybe bug?
The edit table reverts to default column arrangement on restart. Should remember the way columns were last set up, no?

“%A-%D” and “%A - %D” both generate filenames without the spaces around the dash. Is this a bug, or is there a code, not mentioned in the filenames-from-tags portion of the manual, for putting a space in the pattern?

Possibly a feature request, though kind of a “deal breaker” level of essential:
Commands seem to act on ALL loaded files, even if only some are selected. Am I doing something wrong or is there no facility to, say, run “Correct tags from musicbrainz” on only the selected rows?

Evaluation complaint:
The 30 day limit, OK, but I can’t really evaluate how well this works with a 50 file limit. My test case for a tagger here is a miscellaneous music folder with 475 files. Whatever does the best job I’d buy or use (if freeware, like TriTag, which hasn’t done so well). So far, only ones proven to be sufficient are Windows only . (Mac user)

The program has to be tested “in the field” with a real case, not a ‘trial folder’ of only 50 songs.

Any possibility of more generous terms? Or, perhaps, buy a license, but with 30 day “return privilege”?

[quote=radellaf]Main bug:
Filenames from tags works the first time but if the setting is changed, invoking it again makes no changes to the filenames. Revert to saved and invoking it does use the new pattern. Maybe bug?
Yes this is a known regression bug that has already been fixed for the next release.

Possibly, but if you go to Settings/Table Settings Menu and make adjustments there (you can use ‘From Display’ to match current screen) and save, the display will be saved on next invocation

It is not doing this for me, I think you having this problem because of the first bug you mentioned (changes in mask dont take effect until restart Jaikoz.

The main menu commands work on all files, whereas the popmenus and popup shortcuts) work on the selected files. Does anybody else have a problem with the way it works ?

Evaluation complaint:
The 30 day limit, OK, but I can’t really evaluate how well this works with a 50 file limit. My test case for a tagger here is a miscellaneous music folder with 475 files. Any possibility of more generous terms? Or, perhaps, buy a license, but with 30 day “return privilege”?[/quote]
The 50 file limit only applies to saving files, there is nothing to stop you loading your 475 folder and using all the tasks in Jaikoz (except save), as all changes are made in memory until you save back to disk. So I don’t really this as a major restriction. If I was to allow an unlimited number of files saves I would have many potential customers just fixing their whole collection and not making a purchase. I cant give a buy and return if you dont like it because once you have a license there is little I can do to prevent using it even if I issue a refund.

No problems here.
I do however have an other issue with the popup menu.
If you select a file by highlighting a field and then rightclick it and select “run external app.” nothing happens.
This only seems to work when you select a file by highlighting the index field.

Thanks yes youv’e found a bug, when you right click on a field in the edit tab it actually selects the file that is selected in the index header(if any) instead of the one selected. This is now fixed for next release.