SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

File and Folder Naming preferences

I just got done setting up a bunch of my From and To settings in the Preferences:File and Folder Correct:Flie and Folder Naming. I have the Replace non ascii characters and the replace from character with to character checked. I was able to type in and add all the rules I wanted for replacing a character with a different character(s). However I can not figure out how to just remove certain characters as it will not let me use the Add button if the To field is empty. I have about 2 dozen characters that I want jaikoz to just replace with nothing, ie just delete them. Is there an easy way to do this?

Thank you.

Hi. you cant set it to a blank value but what you could is the following:

For each value you want to set blank set it to the same otherwise unused/obscure value.
Then run Correct Filename from Metadata
Then use Find and Replace on the Filename column, search for the new character and leave the replace character blank, this will delete the character.