SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Fetching album art

Hi, I have release but album art isnt saved. Discogs link in MB is present.

Thanks for pointing this out, I’ve found bug and fixed for release out in next few days.

Fix now available in Jaikoz 2.8.2

another release, where i cant fetch album art, discogs link is present too

I get an image but its an image of the CD itself rather than the front cover, this is because this is listed first when normally the front cover is listed first - I will make a change to fix this. But if you are not getting an image at all you are encountering a different problem.

You are right Paul. I cant fetch any album art from this release.

I assume you are runnning Update tags from Discogs, if so Ill need your logs then.

Yes, i was trying all methods. Discogs, update tags from MB, and autocorrector where these methods are included

I tried to write discogs url manually. Now its ok, but i dont know why this url isnt fetched in “update from MB” ? And only one album art is fetched. I have 5 files in settings. Fetched file is CD 2n d file, not front cover ( 1st file) in discogs page

Hi, just found a bug in Update from MB in 2.8.3 preventing it working properly. Because the Discogs Release Url field is not populated then obviously Update from Discogs will not work. Expect a release later this week.

Fixed now in Jaikoz 2.8.4

still not fixed in new release this video you can play with vlc media player for example

The video stops with error after highlighting the Discogs page on Musicbrainz, not sure if this is end or not but it doesnt matter.

Your point is that after autocorrecting from Musicbrainz there is no album art even though the Musicbrainz track does have a link to Discogs page which contains artwork.

I have already verified that if the Discogs Release Url is entered then the artwork is retrieved ok, so although I cannot see the column I assume this field is not populated, but why ?

Here are some possible reasons to check.

  1. Your tracks already have MB Unique Ids and you have disabled Preferences/Musicbrainz/Match/Do not match online if already have a Musicbrainz Id
  2. You have set Preferences/Musicbrainz/AutoFormat2/Release Disciogs Url to Never Populate this Field


  1. Your tracks already have MB Unique Ids and you have disabled Preferences/Musicbrainz/Match/Do not match online if already have a Musicbrainz Id
  2. You have set Preferences/Musicbrainz/AutoFormat2/Release Disciogs Url to Never Populate this Field[/quote]
    1, I have unchecked Do not match online if already have a Musicbrainz Id
    2, Option is set to Always Populate

Ok, did you try it again ?
I need to know is the Discogs Release Url field populated, and if it isnt does it stay empty if you run Update tags from Existing Musicbrainz Id

Yes i tried it again. But i think its problem between Jaikoz and MB, when i write discogs address manually and click on discogs icon, then album art is fetched. See below. Its requests and replies between MB and J and i can see anything about Discogs. Maybe served data are bad, or something wrong with MB server ? I dont know.

GET /ws/1/track/?type=xml&puid=a6b29fff-337a-b0c4-515f-0a81c3decc10 HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_11
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 10:13:44 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) mod_perl/1.30
Content-Length: 503
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Via: 1.1
Connection: close

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><metadata xmlns=""><track-list><track id="b750b7a1-4e2d-4973-9330-6f6a931142d9"><title>Mush Room Cut No13 - Object Square</title><duration>82200</duration><artist id="24b70d13-85ab-410b-a044-2cca4600b1e1"><name>Floex</name><sort-name>Floex</sort-name></artist><release-list><release id="62df64fe-7546-4ea0-907b-6ba6e3d2cc61"><title>Pocustone</title><track-list offset="10"/></release
GET /ws/1/track/?type=xml&limit=10&query=track%3A%22Mush+Room+Cut+No13+Object+Square%22++AND+%28artist%3A%22Floex%22+release%3A%22Pocustone%22+tnum%3A%2211%22+%29+++AND+qdur%3A%2839+40+41+42+43+%29 HTTP/1.1

Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_11
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 10:13:45 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) mod_perl/1.30
Content-Length: 569
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Via: 1.1
Connection: close

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><metadata xmlns="" xmlns:ext=""><track-list count="1" offset="0"><track id="b750b7a1-4e2d-4973-9330-6f6a931142d9" ext:score="99"><title>Mush Room Cut No13 - Object Square</title><duration>82200</duration><artist id="24b70d13-85ab-410b-a044-2cca4600b1e1"><name>Floex</name></artist><release-list><release id="62df64fe-7546-4ea0-907b-6ba6e3d2cc61"><title>Pocustone</title><track-list offset="10" count="13"/></release></release-list></track></track-list></metadata>

I dont think there queries are incorrect, it is the Release query that gets the Discogs info. But just had a thought if there is no release query it is because it has been previously downloaded and maybe at that point the Discogs Url link had not been created.

Try emptying cache (Action/Empty Cache) and trying again.

Yup ! That was correct ! Now its OK. Album art is fetched because discogs link is fetched too.

Ok, thats good news.
To speed up queries jaikoz caches the details of releases and artists so that can be reused locally, however if the details of these items changes Jaikoz will not get the changes unless you empty the cahe.

Musicbrainz are in the process of adding a notification system to inform you when a particular artist/release/track has changed and once this is implemented Jaikoz will be able to automtically update its cache. If it is going to be a long timebefore this happens I will have to provide a workaround of periodically updating details in the cache.