SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Feature suggestion: SAVE/LOAD configs

Sorting my music library, I’m dealing with various needs for sorting/renaming/moving my files.
For example, I’m not naming and putting away my files in the same way when I deal with full releases, singles, classical music, etc.

It would then be helpful to be able to save full configurations (including directories, masks and every other options) with being able to reload them depending on the kind of task you want to achieve.

That is not currently available but even if it was I think most customers would find it difficult to compartmentalize there music to ensure they only process singles with singles settings ecetera.

Another solution would be to use more sophisticated rename mask that considered things like release type or genre and used that as a basis of how to rename/move such files.


    mbreleasetype + '/' + ifnotempty(album,'/') + ifnotempty(artist,'/')  + title
   ifnotempty(albumartist,'/') + ifnotempty(album,'/')  + title

Would put soundtracks in a subfikder together, with other albums categorised by the album artist/

Hi Paul,

It’s hard for me to have an idea how “generic” could be a need of mine; you have probably many feedbacks of various users, I don’t.

Remember the discussion we had about the “year” tag and the option “use original release date” I need to use for my albums. So I want have this option enabled for singles but not full albums. Obviously, the options “Only allow match if all songs in grouping match to one album” and “Only allow match if all tracks in album were matched” cannot be used for Singles.

So I need various set of options not only for the target directories but also for tuning the behaviour of SongKong.

(By the way, I’m considering a Soundtrack release differently, depending if it’s a compilation of singles by various artist or a coherent work from a single compositor ? e.g. Ennio Morricone, Peter Gabriel? ? but of course, this require manual decision!)

[quote=jeromeip]Obviously, the options “Only allow match if all songs in grouping match to one album” and “Only allow match if all tracks in album were matched” cannot be used for Singles.
Actually not true, the option is actually ‘Only allow match if all songs in grouping match to one release’ , but the word release is not well understood which is why I have used the word album even though not strictly correct.

One year after, I 'm still missing this feature :smiley:

FYI, here are the main fields I set differently when matching a complete album versus a bunch of singles:

[list]Only allow match if all songs in grouping match to one album[/list]
[list]Ony allow match if all tracks in album were matched[/list]
[list]All existing folders represent a single album[/list]
[list]Use original release date[/list]
[list]Move folder[/list]
[list]Rename mask[/list]
[list]Compilation Rename mask[/list]

I am very keen to get this major feature done, and will be publishing a technical roadmap soon that will include this task.

My dreams come true with version 6.0 \o/