SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Feature request: Single CDs in Box Sets

Hi, I have the problem that I prefer single CDs to box sets. Some single CDs that have also been released separately are found by SongKong from a box set, which is fine, but what about the rest of the set? It is not marked as complete and therefore not moved. It remains in the “unmatched” folder with all the random stuff. You then have to look in Picard, for example, to see if the box set contains complete CDs or if only a few random tracks have been matched. Wouldn’t it be great to have an option that allows incomplete boxsets (intentionally, since the individual CDs are already pulled out) to be considered matched if they contain at least one or more complete CDs, but not all? The same would be useful for boxsets where you simply don’t have all the discs.
I hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance!

Could you run Create Support Files please so I can see some actual examples.