SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Failed matches

I have been noticing a lot of matches, that have information in musicbrainz, are coming back in the missing song reporter as incomplete or missing songs. This seems to be an issue because jaikoz does not consider the track count versus the actual amount of tracks in the folder.

The issue seems to be when one has the group albums by folder checked and sets a preferred country and media type, that jaikoz will automatically assume that the release should be tied to that one, even if the track count is way off and there are other releases in that group that match it exactly.

It would be really nice if there was a match to track count option, much like how the preferred release country, earliest release, and media type options are. Especially if the group albums by folder option is checked.

This way jaikoz would first try to match the album to releases that have the same track count, and then would look for preferred release country, preferred media, etc. If no matches are found, then move on to other releases in the release group. Much like how it tries to match first to the preferred country and/or media type.

This option would be a HUGE help for those users that have a well organized collection and just only want to update the fields they are missing that jaikoz is able to provide so well.

With this latest release of jaikoz, I am averaging about a 50% successful match rating. About 30% musicbrainz or discogs just doesn’t have the info for (I have a very varied taste in music so they just don’t have the info). About 5% jaikoz drops because the track durations are off by a few seconds. And the other 15% it matches to albums that are my preferred country and disregards all other info, matching to a release that has more tracks than the actual release I have so the missing song reports come back with a bunch of missing tracks.

If you have group albums by folder checked then it will only match to an album which matches all the song in folder, rather than songs grouped differently based on metadata. It will then find potential matches that match all songs in the grouping and choose the highest scoring match. Jaikoz allows your songs to be matched to an album with more songs then are in the folder to allow for the case of you not having all the songs, however an album which has the same no of tracks as in your folder will get a score boost because of this (we do consider total tracks in scoring releases).

No option is really neccessary because it is obvious that you would always prefer to match a release with the same number of tracks, whereas with preferred country you have to tell Jaikoz what your preferred country is.

This isnt how Jaikoz works, it find some potential matches then scores them considering all options and selecting the best option. For example if one release matches your song titles and durations perfectly but is not your preferred country then more liley to be the match used then a release from preferredcountry that doesnt match as well.

One thing to do would be set Preferences:Musicbrainz:Format settings so that it only populates empty fields

If alot of your releases are not actually from your preferred country then maybe you should not set a preferred country, so this 15% doesnt get the boost that might help them get selected.

Even better than that I am releasing Jaikoz 4.4.0 later today which allows you to select multiple preferred countries, so if you know the provenance of your releases add alll valid preferred countries then it shouldn’t stop your preferrred match.

Having said all that having a ‘Only match to releases with same number of tracks as grouping’ option may be useful in your case.

Excited to hear about the new release!

Most of my albums would probably be GB or US, though it does vary. I will try dropping the preferred media as well as preferred country and earliest release. Hopefully this will be enough to allow jaikoz the freedom to score the albums with the exact same tracks and track counts higher to be the chosen match.

Thanks for the explanation. I updated my preferences and that seemed to help with the matches a lot! Only 2 out of the 351 albums it found were matched to an incorrect one. Not bad out of a batch of 446 albums loaded :slight_smile:

Thank you for the country code support! That is a big time saver!

I just noticed the search bar up top. Not sure if that is new or if i have just been blind, but really like how easy it is to search or to just hit the cancel button and have it clear out the artist and album field in the column browser windows.

Again thank you for such an awesome product and all your hard work!!!