SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Exporting and importing tags - problem

I am trying to export metadata from a group of 256k mp3s and import that same metadata into another of group of mp3s, which are the exact same songs but these are 128k mp3s. I open the older of 256k mp3s, select all, and Export as a cvs file. Then I open that cvs file and change the file names to match the file names in the 128k mp3 folder. Then I close files in Jaikoz and and open the folder of 128k mp3s. I make sure the files are displayed in the correct order, and choose Import. But, nothing gets imported. What am I doing wrong?

Is there another way of doing this, like opening both folders of mp3s and doings some kind of copy and paste of metadata between one group and the other? I have tried this, but the paste command is unavailable.

I appreciate your help!

It sounds like you are doing it correct - perhaps you didn’t modify the file correctly. You could email your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files)

It was my understanding that the path had to be exact, drive letter and all. When I look at the exported XLS, I see under filename E:\\\

Is this not correct?