SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Export to XLS/CSV Failure (no MBID?)


At first I thought it was for everything, but as far as I can tell it’s only files without an MBID that cause this. Which MBID? I don’t know, but I have some demos, bootlegs, whatever that have nothing tagged but the basics, and that’s where the error is.

Well, it’s not MBIDs. I just looked through every column in every view and tab and cannot find the difference. I CAN still confirm that it happens on releases that never have had a match.

cant replicate, please send support files that should give me a stack trace

Version 4.5.0 is also failing export for me if any of the songs are not matched to MusicBrainz. The java error message I receive is the same as reported by above “dkoh.”

Exporting only songs matched to MusicBrainz works fine.

I just emailed the support files I created after a failed export. Please let me know if you need any further info/troubleshooting.


Hi, I dont seem to have received them where did you email them to ?

Sorry guys there was a problem with my email, I now have you support files.

Thanks Paul

Hi, you are right an error was introduced into 3.5.0 when I made the change was writing multiple genres . The problem occurs if the genres, artists or artist_id field is blank, New release out later today and sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit:Now available

I’ll go get it. Thank you for fixing it.

Export seems to be working fine again in version 4.5.1. Thank you!