SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Excluding fields from matching or correction if not empty

I organized my “Title” and “Album” fields in the way that every word is starting with a upper case. Even words like “And” for example.

I tried to find a way in the settings to exclude the “Title” and “Album” fields from matching respectively auto correcting but running autocorrection within Jaikoz always changes my “Title” and “Album” fields independent of my settings in the preferences.

What do I have to do to avoid changing (correcting) my “Title” and “Album” fields if they are not empty respectively is there a way that autocorrection starts every word in the “Title” and “Album” field with a upper case?

Kind regards,


Hi, you need to set Preferences:MusicBrainz:Format:Title and Album to Replace if Empty and Preferences:Remote Correct:Discogs:Title and Album to Replace If Empty that will prevent matching from online databases modifying these fields unless empty

Then in Preferences:Manipulators:Autocorrecters:AutoCorrecter Tasks you should remove Local Correct Title and Local Correct Album to remove local corrections such as Capitalization, its default to Title Capitlization so that most but no all words are capitalized.