SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Errors when updating iTunes

I am running the latest build of Jaikoz, but this problem has been present in earlier ones as well (for me.)

When I “Save” a group of files that have been edited, the last entry or action in the console is an error message “Unable to updates iTunes:255”.

I have also experienced a similar error with a different error code (a “1” I believe, but I will check my notes and confirm shortly."

In either case, iTunes is not updated nor is a playlist generated with the list of files that have been changed.

I am running an Intel CD iMac with OS X 10.4.11 and iTunes 7.6. My iTunes is located on a network attached storage drive, if it matters.

Thanks for any ideas or suggestions that would fix this issue - Jaikoz is of limited value if the iTunes library doesn’t get updated…


Hi, Ive not seen this error. Updating itunes from an external program is difficult to do which is why few programs do it, and it is a new feature in Jaikoz so there may be a few teething problems. Please send your jaikozdebug0-0.log and jaikozuser0-0.log files together with a screenshot of your iTunes/Preferences/Advanced tab


I am trying it again, so as soon as it is done I will send you a screen shot of the error, the console, iTunes prefs and the logs.



Is it working ok now, Ive not received anything ?