SongKong Jaikoz

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error starting java vm

uninstall old version on windows xp (4.6.3 licensed) install new version 5 as recommended by software, error starting java vm. now what to fix? before uninstall copied old jthink directory to desktop. please help.

Hi, check you are running jaikoz.exe rather than jaikoz.bat, if so can you show me a screenshot, so I can see the error.

jaikoz.exe is what is being run, either thru the start menu in xp, or browsing to the exe file in windows xp, see enclosed screenshot please

That’s wierd, can you open up a Dos Windows then, and run it from there and post the output please.


navigate to jaikoz directory under cmd prompt, run jaikoz.exe, windows throws up same "error starting jave vm, cmd prompt throws up “error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap” this was running before at previous version just fine

thx for your help!

None else has reported this problem on the new version

Have you modified Jaikoz.ini ?
How much memory does your PC have ?

i don’t recall modifying jaikoz.ini, how do i check?

2.96GB ram is shown

whne i try to attach image thru chrome i get"HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/7.0.30 logs.

If you look in Jaikoz.ini, the heap size is specified in megabytes as

Yes, sometimes the forum has problems attaching images, you could always email

should i change it to something else?

You could try reducing it to 200m.
Do you have lots of other stuff already running using all your memory up ?

thx for the reply, i don’t have a lot of stuff running, much less than i would have running while using the previous version. currently just an explorer window, an email client, and this forum in a web page. also zonealarm and avira antivirus, which were running while i used the previous version. i reduced it to 200, saved the file, jaikoz starts now, but the screen doesn’t draw correctly, if i shift the focus to another screen and back it redraws fine, but with spaces in it, each time i shift the focus and back on open applications the missing info changes (see attached screenshots) now what? also, do i need to reboot after modifying that value? can i set everything in jaikoz back to your defaults? how? files emailed to you

thank you

No there should be no need to reboot, now that you have it started could send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) these might pinpoint an exception.

file sent to support email address

Nothing in the logs to indicate any exceptions occurring, also I can also see Jaikoz 5.0.0 did start okay with the default memory settings when you loaded

E:\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Zebra

so I’m bit confused.

But I must admit Jaikoz 5.0.0 has not been tested with Windows XP, so maybe there is an issue with Java 7 on Windows XP that effects the screen redrawing. Although this version of Jaikoz comes with Java 1.7.0_10 bundled it doesn’t actually use any Java 7 specific code.

So if you still have you Java 6 installation you could edit jaikoz.bat to make sure it uses this java (just need to specify full path) rather than the bundled JRE and see it that works.

If you no longer have Java 6 no problem you can download it from

i uninstalled java, uninstalled jaikoz, reinstalled jaikoz accepting all the defaults, went to start it and got vm error again. how do i go back to my previous version?

and the ini file was back to 800 by itself after re install

Please try editing Jaikoz.bat, (possibly installing Java 6 as advised). It makes to try this instead of sticking with Jaikoz 463 because Jaikoz 5 fixes alot of issues in Jaikoz463 such as broken Discogs matching.

I also ran it on Win XP
and it gave me the same Java VM error.

I tried uninstall - got same run Java VM error.
I tried System Restore and now I’m at blue screen on that computer …

I am not a happy camper …

You should warn people that Jaikoz 5 and/or Java 7
won’t run on Win XP !

Anyway - please give detailed steps on
installing Java VM 7 + Jaikoz 5 on Vista or Win 7
