SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Error saving files with album art

Hello, I am having problems saving some files when album art has been added. This does not happen with every file. When I get the error the Audio Tagger returns the message:

SEVERE: Cannot make changes to <> because was meant to write xxxx bytes but only written yyyy bytes

If I delete the album art from the tag, Audio Tagger is able to save the file in most cases.

I am running the Audio Tagger under Ubuntu 11.10 Linux using Gnome 3 shell. I have reset the permissions on my music folder to see if that was the problem. I have also deleted the Tagger database to see if that fixed the problem as well. The problem persists if I update a group of files at once, or if I try to update one file at a time. Any assistance is appreciated.


What file formats are you using, can you email support at jthink dot net your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files)

Paul, thank you for the response. All of my files are FLAC files.
