SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Error Running New Version 3.8.0

I eventually found V3.8.0 final, and installed it over the top of the previous Beta 2 version. When I ran the new version though, I got a system error telling me that MSVCR71.dll is missing.

So, assuming I messed up by not ininstalling the previous version, I manually uninstalled everything (the Start menu uninstaller still doesn’t work for me) and then installed the new one. But, no change - I’m still getting the MSVCR71.dll missing error each time I run it.

If I dismiss the error with the OK button and wait around a minute Jaikoz eventually appears and seems to work perfectly from then on.

If MSVCR71.dll is missing, did the Beta 2 version not need it, or is it simply not missing?

Using Windows 7 x64.


When does this error occur, I have never heard of this DLL and it doesnt come with Jaikoz itself, sounds like you have a corruption of some sort on WIndows itself.

Every single time I run Jaikoz.

Beta 2 ran without problems and literally the only thing I did was delete the two Jaikoz folders (because the uninstaller didn’t work) and then install the latest version.


FYI Uninstaller is fixed in release, and you can just install over the top there is no need to uninstall first.

But this is not a Jaikoz error, please try reinstallling Java.

If youre lack of any DLL - you can download it @ and put into system32 folder

I can confirm this is an issue with Win 7 x64. I have reinstalled Java with v6 build 21 and it still remains. Jaikoz still starts and runs fine but it still remains.

Any suggestions?

Ive never seen this myself but I found this article

So try copying the dll into where you have install Jaikoz and seeing if that fixes it, and sounds like I should change my installer to do this automatically

I don’t have any problems with Jaikoz 3.8.0 final and Windows 7 x64.
There is nor error-message concerning MSVCR71.dll.
So you guys have mixed up your machines with something else, but not with Jaikoz.

I found that in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin (instlled with jre-6u21-windows-x64.exe) there is no MSVCR71.dll.
But in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin (installed with jre-6u21-windows-i586-s.exe) there is a MSVCR71.dll.

I too have MSVCR71.dll in the same location as you, so it’s not missing. But I’m not convinced the problem is down to something I have done.

Here is what I did…

I was running the Beta 2 version and there was no error on starting. It was however refusing to write tags after a period of use so decided to upgrade to the full release non-Beta version.

Actually, Paul told me later what I had been doing wrong, so it was my fault all along! :slight_smile:

Anyway, I installed the release version over the top of the Beta 2 version and immediately the MSVCR71.dll error started.

Thinking that I should have removed the Beta 2 version before upgrading I ran the uninstaller. It failed so I manually deleted the two Jaikoz folders and installed the full version.

The MSVCR71.dll error remained with the full version.

The fact is that all I did between using the Beta 2 version with no error and the full version with the error is delete two folders and run the Jaikoz installer.

I’m convinced that the fault is not down to Jaikoz because once I click on the OK button on the error dialog above, Jaikoz works perfectly - so it obviously doesn’t need MSVCR71.dll.

If someone else has the problem, then it’s not just me. Maybe it’s an installer-related problem with the new full version. Maybe that uses the Microsoft Visual C Runtime 7.1 - even if Jaikoz doesn’t.

I know 100% for certain that it’s nothing I have done.

Ten Baz

PS: Alfg - did you get my PM or are they disabled on this forum?

I got the same error on a new install of windows 7 x64.

Which version of Java do you have installed 32bit or 64bit

If you have both these paths
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin

and one doesn’t have the DLL in it, try copying it over

If that doesn’t cure the problem try copying the DLL to the folder that Jaikoz is installed in

Please let me know how you get on

okay on 64 windows it’s just installed into
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin
and no java folder at
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin

copying the dll to jaikoz folder did the job

Well, I was so convinced I wasn’t the cause of the dll problem, (and because I’m a stubborn git), I refused to try to find a work-around.

As Jaikoz worked perfectly after hitting OK on the error message, I just left it.

I ran Jaikoz a few minutes ago and got the download new version message so I downloaded and installed it.

And, guess what? The new version no longer gives me the dll error.

Whatever it was, has now gone with the new version, so all is good in the world…

I still maintain that the dll error was installer related and not with Jaikoz itself.


The new version automtically copies the DLL to the Jaikoz folder as part of the installation.