SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Error: Jaikoz didn't work so it gave up

30/07/2010 13.17.09:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.CreateMusicIPAcousticIdWorkerThread:analyse:WARNING: com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.CreateMusicIPAcousticIdWorkerThread4:Ended
30/07/2010 13.18.00:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musiciphelper.PUIDQuery:generatePUID:WARNING: TimeOutException:Retrieve acoustic id for e:\\music\\favs\\Ozric Tentacles\\Bits Between the BitsSliding Gliding Worlds\\10-Afterswish.mp3 had not completed after 5 minutes so was cancelled

What is this and does it have any interest.

For example, does it mean that the server for acustic ids is down?
Does it mean that correcting my files is going to take an extra five minutes, per file, for some unknown (but surely sensible) reason?

It means that for some unknown reason genpuid has not returned after a reasonable time so cancel analysing this song to prevent Jaikoz from possibly hanging indefinitently. If could not access the AmpliFIND Server we would get a definite error an after retrying few t5 times Jaikoz would cancel the Retrieve Acoustic Ids tasks, so no you wont have to wait 5 minutes for every song if the server is down.

Yes well if the disk is flooded with read requests, in turn causing each puid generation to fail, then that’s not very efficient now is it.

So its genpuid read requests rather than saving the newly generated puid to file that is causing the problem did you try disabling the option as mentioned in

Genpuid used to be single threaded but people requested it be multithreaded and my own tests have demonstrated much better throughput with 4 threads on a Quad machine than 1 thread, but perhaps you’re 8-core machine is
demonstrating that the simple one thread per cpu approach won’t work in this case.

I’ve posted my response in that thread, but I would suggest that one handles reading and writing to disk as a single, sequential task.
