SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Error after upgrade - cannot start Jaikoz


After installing the upgrade to 3.3.2 I get an error message and can not start Jaikoz anymore; “Unable to Start Jaikoz”
“java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Table/View ‘ARTWORK’ does not exist.”

I have even tried to uninstall and reinstall - but the problem returns…

Any idea?? I upgraded from an older version like 2.X.X.

best regards

Exactly the same problem for me.

This can occur when you upgrade from quite an old version rather than a more recent version, you need to manullay delete your old Jaikoz database

On Mac, from the Finder delete
Home:Library: Preferences:Jaikoz:Jaikozdb

On Windows Vista, from Explorer delete

and on Linux from commandline
rm /username/jaikoz/jaikozdb

Thanks for the quick reply. It all works now - and my license is still valid too… So nice.

brgds /Mats

And on XP?

On XP its something like

C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Jaikoz

Same here, but I’m running Vista.
I see from a previous post…
On Windows Vista, from Explorer delete

I cannot find:

In fact I can’t find any directory named Jaikozdb

I reinstalled 2.8.0 (1053) but I’m stuck at this version until this is resolved.

Ignore my last post.
I found the directory to delete on Vista…

It is:

oops, thanks updated post

I cannot get the app to start. I used appzapper to blast all traces of it out, downloaded 3.3.2 and applied the interim fixes (renaming jaudiotagger and jaikoz jar files to old, and replacing the fixes.)

The application pops up an error stating:
“Unexpected error with Jaikoz please report problem to

I also blasted away the preferences (jaikozdb, followed by trashing the entire folder).

I’m out of ideas.

I’m running Snow Leopard 10.6.1 on a Macbook Pro 1,1 (Core Duo, no 64bit support).

After looking through the dump, I’m thinking the issue is Java related. The resources aren’t available. I wonder if I can install Java 1.5 in Snow Leopard w/o borking everything.

Can you send the logs files please, Home : Preferences : Logs : Jaikoz