SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

English on cue, good... English:: in my comments, not so much...

Anyone know how to get rid of that “English::” text that gets added into the comment field if you touch it with anything? I had to edit my files with an evil other editor to get rid of it. Would much prefer not to have to do that…

Little update; thought I was getting rid of them, but only the duplicates that happen sometimes when I’m editing the comments and accidentally move “English::” off the very first of the first line. The one that’s in there allways if there are comments doesn’t show up in other editors. :frowning:

I did figure out how to get rid of it if I want to clear the comment field. If I add comment to the table view, there’s a little pink bit of stuff in the field that has just “English::” in it. If I delete the pink stuff, the “English::” in the tab at the bottom goes away.

Still can’t figure out how to have something in the field without the “English::” though…

ah, that is a bug in the detail panel it shouldn’t show the english.

The comment field in Mp3s actually consist of three fields, the comment itself a language field and a short description. (refer to )

The language field is mandatory so I set to english as the default, but you should only see the comment itself in the detail tab.

If you actually wanted to change the language field from english to something else you can do that in Jaikoz as well.

View/Show ID3 Tab
Switch the table view to the ID3 Edit tab
Double click on the numbered box in the comment field
This will then bring up a popup letting you add and edit comments together with the Language and short description (which is blank by default)

I have the same problem with Jaikoz 4.4.0 on Mac OS X.
In the detail field I English:: if I have set a comment.
And if I change an existing comment, an additional English:: will be inserted - and so on and on…
How could I get rid of this in Detail View. The comment column didn’t show this.

Oh sorry. Forgot to say with which files this happens: MP4 from iTunes, Apple Lossless, FLAX. Haven’t tested other formats until now.


Ah yeah, slightly different to the original bug (which was fixed) but I have replicated this new one, will ensure fixed for next release.

Thanks. Awaiting the new version.