SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Encoding issues in Windows 7

There’s something very strange going on here. I’ve been going through retagging my collection with Jaikoz - sitting in a WMP library on a Windows 7 machine, streaming to a 360 as well.

After some research, it looks like ID3v2.3 with UTF-16 encoding is the way to go, since neither Windows nor WMP support v2.4 yet. Cool. Fair enough. But then I put some test files through, and the title of each track comes out with gibberish in an asian script - Thai I think.

It’s appearing like this in Explorer and in the WMP library. The filename and other tags are fine, it’s just the Title tag. And when I load it back into Jaikoz to check, it comes up absolutely fine, with the title as it should be.

Anyone got any ideas?

Try it with another program such as Winamp, that should tell you whether the problem lies with Windoews Media Player (which I think it does) or not.