SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Empty folders remaining


I use the Pro-Version of Jaikoz.

I tagged all music files and than renamed the files name from to the taggs.
After that I started so recreate the folders and subfolders structure by the pattern of “Artist/Album/Song”.
I selected “deleted empty folders on save” in preferences:save:general.

The music have been sorted as I need it, but the empty folders remains.
What did i wrong?

Are the folders really empty or do they contain non music files ?

The folders don’t contain any files or hidden files.

Hmm, it may be a bug in Jaikoz

Could I give you some further information about my situation to make your debugging easier?

It is okay for me that you do not need my help, but I will give you support, if you want or not. :wink: I bought Jaikoz and it is simply useless for me at the moment.

After sorting the folders they show a behavior that I never saw before. The folder previews are black now. (And the remaining folders are annoying.)

I tried to upload a screenshot but the website returned a fail massage… :expressionless:

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