SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Easy selection of multiple folders ?

(Mac OS X, Jaikoz V2.1.0)

I want to tag >20000 files in >1000 folders. I want to tag them in chunks, which means: Open 50 folders, auto-correct them, open next 50 folders, correct them, and so on.

The “open directory” dialog does not offer selecting multiple directories (by holding the alt key or the ctrl key) while clicking. I can only use the “add folder” button and select the folders one by one. That’s time consuming and quite annoying after the 10th folder.

Question (beseeching, whining voice from here):
Could you please enable selecting multiple folders in the open folders dialog ?

Could be as easy as this:

    JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
    // Enable multiple selections
    // Show the dialog; wait until dialog is closed
    // Retrieve the selected files. This method returns empty
    // if multiple-selection mode is not enabled.
    File[] files = chooser.getSelectedFiles();

Hi, yes had already intended to do this but other things took priority. The code isnt as simple as you might think because I have to change other parts to deal with receiving files from the multiple folders , but it isnt that difficult. I will priortise putting this into the next release.

In the meantime perhaps you would be better of loading larger sets into Jaikoz, but then using the TagBrowser to filter records into small manageable sets

Paul, that’s good to hear. Thanks for turning your attention to this.

I too would love to select multiple folders

Just wondering if this will be included in the Pre-End of Jan 08 release?

Eric Seipel

Hi, yes it will be in the release next week.