Okay, after multiple passes with Jaikoz and not a small amount of eyeballing and by-hand work, I have an issue and need some suggestions about how to proceed.
When in iTunes, I click the “show duplicates” menu option and I get a list of about 21K files. Some of these are easy to see are duplicates in a fashion, but others I have no idea why itunes thinks it’s a duplicate to “something”.
Anyway, those mysteries aside…(unless you know how to tell what criteria iTunes is using…)
For some files, it appears the amplifind ID is different and the MBID is different, therefore it is a different song, even though it is the same. I already have “Prefer Original Release even if Better Match with compilation” checked.
Some of these files are live versions so it makes sense to have a different AmpID and MBID but others from what I can tell their only difference is one came from a greatest hits album.
Short of listening…any other suggestions?
Also any automagically way of having Jaikoz get rid of the live versions, if an original version exists? Any info I can look to to help decide?