SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Drag and drop stops working after closing files

Hi there,

When I first launch Jaikoz I can drag and drop FLACs into it. After I have processed those files, then I select them all and hit Close Files and the main window is emptied of files.

But when I try and drag the next batch of FLAC files into the window to add them, Jaikoz won’t add them. I have to quit and relaunch Jaikoz in order to drag them into the window, which is rather tedious and time consuming.

Please let me know if there is something else I should be doing to cleanly remove files from the main window so that I can drag and drop the next batch of files without having to relaunch Jaikoz.


p.s. I’m using Jaikoz v 5.6.0 with Mac OS X 10.6.8

Sounds like it should work, try just using File/Open to open new folders that will close them for you anyway. You could send me your support files (Advanced:Create Support Files) as it may show a bug, but that is rather an old version of Jaikoz and I’m afraid we are no longer doing further updates on new versions that are compatible OSX 10.6 which i assume is the reason you are still using it.

OK, I guess I’ll revisit this issue after I upgrade my OS and can use the latest version of Jaikoz.

Is there at least a way to turn off the notification that there’s a new version of Jaikoz each time I launch it?


No, sorry you cannot.