SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Drag and Drop recursive load issue

  1. Open Jaikoz

  2. Open a folder containing subfolders which themselves contain audio files (flac files in this case).

  3. Drag the folder that contains the subfolders into Jaikoz.

Note that nothing is displayed. Jaikoz says 0 files loaded.

  1. Select File->Close Open Files

  2. Drag the subfolders into Jaikoz directly.

  3. Message is displayed informing user that files cannot be loaded twice.

The only way to get around this is to exit and restart and remember to only drag the lowest level artist folder into Jaikoz.


Thanks Mark for reporting this, I’ll lokk into this

Ive replicated this and will sort out a fix. But I think you’ve omitted an important point that you have ‘Preferences/General/Base Folder/Include Sub Folders when Searching For Audio Files’ checkbox disabled. If you had this enabled (which is the default) then your original drag of the top level folder would have loaded the files as required without any problems.

FYI - I had a similar problem.

The difference is, if I did “Add Folder” on my “~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music” folder, it would say “0 files loaded”

When I dragged-and-dropped, however, it DID work (or, I should say, “does seem to be working” as it’s still loading in some 86,500 songs.)

Update: Now it’s low on memory; that’s another issue, though…

:- Dabe

[quote=OneTrueDabe]I did “Add Folder” on my “~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music” folder, it would say “0 files loaded”
Because 0 were loaded at that point, but the value should be going up as time goes by

I let it sit for, like, an hour… Nada.

The logs didn’t seem to indicate any activity, either. Shrug Like I say, though, dragging and dropping worked okay, so I’m happy. :smiley:


:- Dabe

I have “include sub folders” selected in both the preferences and the open folder dialog, and it doesn’t include the sub-folders using the dialog or drag-and-drop.

Is the folder a symbolic link ?
Jaikoz currently ignores symbolic links to prevent recursive loops when loading files and to deal with an issue on Linux with remotely mounted file systems with non ascii characters in the filename which are not translated properly when the file system is viewed as a remote file ystem…