is there a way to keep the existing timestamp for a file when updating the file?
don't update file timestamp when updating?
No, there are difficulties with doing this anyway, because if the file was subsequently opened in Jaikoz it could be confused about whether it needed to reread from file or the internal database.
But why do you want to do this ?
I also would love this feature. He are the reasons :
My digital collection goes back to the 90’s, I want to keep the original modification dates of my files. I maintain my own file tree, which is time-sorted (Yes, I’m a Maniac )
Preserving original timestamps can be use to create iTunes “intelligent playlist” with the “modification date” filter, e.g. tell my iPod : play the tracks I downloaded between March, 1998 and January 1999
Should I open a thread in the ‘WhishList’ section ?