SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Doesn't appear to work

Hi, I’m new to Jaikoz & first off would like to say the program “appears” to be great. If it works, I will definitely vouch for it to be a perfect music sorting software but until I can get it working I’m not sure I can quite say it is there yet. All its features sound very promising though. I’m running Jaikoz 3.1.0 on a Windows XP SP3 notebook.

I have a music collection of almost 2500 songs, it’s not too big but it’s not tiny either. A lot of the music is either hindi or punjabi. Very little of it is actually english music so I’m not counting on Jaikoz to cover even half my collection but whatever it can pick up will definitely help sort my collection.

I’m trying to achieve the following:

  1. Get my music collection sorted into “My Music/Album Artist/Album/Track Number - Title”.
  2. Get as much metadata as possible embedded into each file; Artist, Album Artist, Title, Track No., Year, Album, Genre & Artwork. That’s all I need/want in each file.

Some files have no metadata at all while some of the files have partial metadata already embedded into them. What I’ve been doing right now is, load the folders with my music files & then click Action > Auto correct.

But the problem is nothing appears to happen. Why I say this is because a lot of my files have website addresses in their “artist” field & they don’t appear to be corrected. However, if I right click just that one file and choose Auto correct it is able to fix up the metadata in the file. Of course I’ve only tested about 10 files this way so I’m not sure if it will work for all the files as it probably won’t be able to pick up some of the files information online but it has appeared to work for the files I’ve tried manually.

If I have to do it manually this way for every single file it will take a long time & I was wondering why it isn’t working for all files selected at once. I have not made any changes in preferences. If anybody knows why I’m having this problem & how to fix it I’d really appreciate any help.


Do they appear correct in Jaikoz but not outside of Jaikoz, check you are saving the changes made by Jaikoz ?