Hey all, curious if someone can answer my questions. I have been playing with the MusicIP and Jaikoz programs to figure out the most accurate way to update thousands of my mp3’s. I think that MusicIP first developed the acoustic fingerprinting method. I first ran that program to analyze all my songs. I then saved those PUIDs to each mp3 hoping that Jaikoz would use this data from the database to accurately ID the songs from the MusicBrainz database. Jaikoz is a better program than MusicIP to update tags. However, it seems that Jaikoz recognizes these IDs as “MusicMagic Data” and “MusicMagic Fingerprint” So, I run Jaikoz’s own “Retrieve Acoustic IDs” which generates its own MusicIP PUID. All three of these seperate tags are under the column “User Defined Text Info”
Is the acoustic analysis the same in both programs? If so, why is the analysis in Jaikoz much quicker than MusicIP? Is MusicIP more accurate since it’s slower?
What exactly is “MusicMagic Data” and “MusicMagic Fingerprinte”?
Why won’t Jaikoz just accept the analysis tags from MusicIP?
4 (and last). For all the songs that Jaikoz/MusicBrainz doesn’t recognize the songs (PUIDs, tags, etc) and doesn’t supply a “Unique File ID”, will submitting the info to the server (MusicBrainz/PUID pair) over time get these songs on the database?
Thanks for any assistance and help!