SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Discogs have changed how artwork images can be accessed

Suddenly Discogs have changed how artwork can be accessed, the first Ive heard of it was today but I’ll be working out a solution soon.

Thankfully the primary source for artwork is the Cover Art Archive, this remains unaffected

Did anything else change? I tried to use this Discogs release:

Not only did Jaikoz fail to pick up the cover art, but it set the Artist name to “The Miracles” instead of “Smokey Robinson & The Miracles”. Is that expected behavior?

Not sure, I did make this change for Sort Artist, are yous ure it was artist rather than sort artist, has the release been matched to Musicbrainz release as well, if so can you give me the release id.

These tracks were run through Autocorrect and tagged with

which is the same album with the same artist information (Smokey Robinson & The Miracles) but renamed after the hit single Tears Of A Clown. Then I did Match Songs to Specified Discogs Release to match them to the earlier original release above. There is also a Musicbrainz release that corresponds to the earlier version,

but I did not try to use it. Today I tried Match Songs to Specified Musicbrainz Release on these tracks and it had the same bad behavior, changing all four artist fields (Artist, Album Artist, Sort Artist, Sort Album Artist) to “The Miracles” and “Miracles, The” instead of any version of “Smokey Robinson & The Miracles”, which is what is listed on the album jacket and what appears in both the Discogs and Musicbrainz release information. So it appears this is not due to any change in Discogs but may be a Jaikoz policy, to use the “official” artist name instead of the name that appears on the release. This seems wrong to me, since it means the artist name in the tag doesn’t match the artist name on the jacket. I can see an argument for the opposite view, e.g. the jazz musician Dave Holland sometimes appears as David Holland. Is it better to tag his releases differently or the same for these name variants? My preference would be to always use the artist name on the cover of the release.

Okay yes it personal choice, the advantage of using the official name rather than the jacket name is that when you browse your songs by artist using your favourite music player all songs by the same artist are grouped together.

The default is to use the Jacket name (Artist Credit Name) but it sounds like you have Preferences:Remote Correct:Format:Use Artist Name instead of Artist Credit Name enabled, when you want it disabled.

I just checked. Preferences:Remote Correct:Format:Use Artist Name instead of Artist Credit Name was and is definitely disabled.

Hmm I was sure it would be that because I forced a match of some random tracks to same MusicBrainz release then tried Update Metadata with option disabled/enabled and could see artist name switching between The Miracles and Smokey Robinson and the Miracles

I haven’t looked any further into the Artist Name vs Artist Credit Name problem.

Discogs artwork still isn’t fetching properly. Is there a fix coming soon? I’m resorting to manual drag and drop most of the time now (thankfully that works now with the Java fixes).

Discogs have made things difficult, the solutions are either to require users to have a discogs account to look up discogs images this requires some associated programming linked in with that or possibly using a 3rd party to provide a cache of the discogs images.

Im also looking at beefing up the image match by using additional sources.

Any progress on this issue?

Yes, its been frustrating because Ive run into a number of issues and Discogs support for developers is no-existent but I now have a test working perfectly for getting authorization and signing url and just need to implement into SongKong and Jaikoz themselves, so the hardest bit is now done.

So done for SongKong, coming soon for Jaikoz.