SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Disc number formatting for File Renaming

I have noticed that when using the disc no in a file renaming action, the disc no field is not padded with leading zero’s.

Is it possible to set the field width of the disc no field and to pad with leading zero’s when used in file and folder renaming actions? For big boxed sets of classical music, you find nowadays that there are often more than 100 CD in a set, so just defaulting to 2 digits may not solve the problem.


I think that it just uses what is in the trackno column. Ensure that those are zero padded by setting “pad numbers with zeros” under Preferences->Save->General.

My disk number are padded with zero but when I create the rename mask it removes the padding from the disk number, but not from the track numbers.

At one tine there use to be a way to tell the rename to leave the padding for the disk number but now that is gone. Any way to get this back?


At one time discno were always padded like trackno, but it was decided this wasnt usually what was wanted. But I dont think there was ever option to choose between the two.

What does other users think about the requirement to pad discno?

I would like to add my vote for an option to have the discno padding re-instated.

Humm. I thought I remember that we could put a special character in front of the mask name, like %xdiskno (x being the special character) to pad the number. I guess I was thinking of something else.

In reply to Johan, it is not something that I have to have. Every once in a while it would be nice to force padding in the file name so things sort but it is not that often that I have disc numbers greater than 9.

If it is something that is easy to do that would be great if it is a major rewrite then not that important to me.