SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Difference in collected data between manual correct and update metadata

Could be a feature not a bug but…

I generally use manual correct metadata from Musicbrainz. Sometimes there is no match found for some tracks of an album. In this case I go to the website and manually copy the MB Unique id to Jaikoz.
In the past after this I could use “update metadata from existing Musicbrainz id”. This does not work anymore, now I also have to fill in the Musicbrainz release id to be able to do that.

Furthermore this update metadata does not get/fill in the same data that the manual correct does. Notably the year, release country, cat no and media fields are not populated.

Hi, you’ve found a bug but actually the situation is better than you think, firstly because you can now JUST enter the MB release Id, and not bother entering the track id and it will still match. Seondly the new Action/Match Songs to Specified Musicbrainz Id gives you an easy way to match all selected songs to one specified album.

Furthermore this update metadata does not get/fill in the same data that the manual correct does. Notably the year, release country, cat no and media fields are not populated.[/quote]
I just tried the year and release country fields and these were updated without any problem, it may just be that a different release event was selected for the release , and that release event didn’t contain a year or country.

Musicbrainz contains releases with multiple release events, so if an album is released with the same songs but with different catalog no on differents dates in different countries it will be shown as one release with multiple release events , within Manual Correct these multiple release events are shown as different rows on the list of possible options. When matching based on a release id it doesnt tell Jaikoz which option to pick so it picks the best release event based on your user preferences such as users preferred country.

When Musicbrainz NGS is released later this year it will no longer have release events, each release event will be shown as a separate release and there will no longer be an issue.

In the past after this I could use “update metadata from existing Musicbrainz id”. This does not work anymore, now I also have to fill in the Musicbrainz release id to be able to do that.
Hi, you’ve found a bug [/quote]

YES!! :slight_smile:

Ah. I was so sticking to my routine I din’t think about that. I will give it a try. Thanks.


Furthermore this update metadata does not get/fill in the same data that the manual correct does. Notably the year, release country, cat no and media fields are not populated.[/quote]
I just tried the year and release country fields and these were updated without any problem, it may just be that a different release event was selected for the release , and that release event didn’t contain a year or country.

Musicbrainz contains releases with multiple release events, so if an album is released with the same songs but with different catalog no on differents dates in different countries it will be shown as one release with multiple release events , within Manual Correct these multiple release events are shown as different rows on the list of possible options. When matching based on a release id it doesnt tell Jaikoz which option to pick so it picks the best release event based on your user preferences such as users preferred country.

When Musicbrainz NGS is released later this year it will no longer have release events, each release event will be shown as a separate release and there will no longer be an issue. [/quote]

I understand what you mean but I’m not sure I can entirely agree.
Ok there often are more releases with the same musicbrainz release id. But I manually copy the release id and the mb unique id. As the name suggests shouldn’t this then point to a unique item?
Or wait, maybe you mean this is now happening because the match/lookup on the unique id is not working properly and only the release id is used?

No, not really

Yes it points to a unique track on the release, i.e. track 1 but the release event apply to the release as a whole.


is one release with four tracks, and there are two release events related to the release , one for CD and one for the Vinyl. Specifying the release id and track id does not identify whether I should use the CD or Vinyl release.