First, thank you for fixing the OCCASION tag in flac files.
Second, I would like to declare your program elegant, powerful, and intelligent. I am truly impressed.
Third, I would like to say how sorry I feel for you. What chaos this tag realm is! With multiple file types, multiple tag spec releases within file types, and multiple programs all taking liberties with the implimentation of tag useage; it cannot be easy to keep most people happy.
I believe what is needed today is one POWERHOUSE and SERIOUS program which begins to define what is expected of any other program with regard to TAG standards. Sadly, itunes (which has YET to be better than even the long deceased Sonic Foundry Siren Jukebox) has probably held that position. But, I do believe your program could assume that role. We’d all benefit; I wish you luck!
Lastly, pleeeease consider a minor release which would allow muliple values in the OCCASION tag. Once again, I discover my effort to rely on that tag is a bust, as I need multiple values. I will probably just usurp CONDUCTOR or COMPOSER tags for my need, but I will forever wince at the resulting completely erroneous labeling. I have also seen hints that the COMPOSER tag has little unhappy surprises in store for me. Someday I hope this realm gets solid, sensible standards implemented universally. This is hard.