SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Deleting songs?

I loaded 6k+ into Jaikoz, Retrieved Acoustic IDs, AutoCorrected them all.
After the 8 hour process, it tells me it can’t find a good amount of songs, therefore it was unable to save them. (Even though I checked and they were right there where they were when I loaded them.) I go into iTunes and start to hold the next arrow key (cuz thats the only way I know how to get iTunes to reflect the changes made, to play the files one by one), and some songs at random iTunes can’t locate. There seems to be no rhyme or reason, since one album will have 2 missing songs and the rest corrected. It seems Jaikoz retagged the files, and consolidated them into their new proper homes without telling iTunes about it. One peculiar case, this one artist appears twice on what used to be tagged “Indie/rock playlist etc.” I pass over both songs, one refreshes itself with the correct release album name, the other one shows the missing file “(!)”. However, when I show the correctly tagged file in finder, the other ‘missing’ file is right next to it!

Hi, with default preferences Jaikoz doesn’t rename or remove any files, but if you have Jaikoz configured to inform iTunes of changes (which is default on OSX but not WIndows) and you have iTunes configured to ‘Keep iTunes Media Library Organized’ (iTunes Preferences/Advanced tab) then iTunes will rename and move files as it is informed of changes by Jaikoz.

Could this be the problem ?

I had both options enabled during that time. Since then I’ve unchecked Keep iTunes Media Library Organized.

Thanks for your logs I also found an error saving mp3 fles with TRDA frames which may be the cause of the save problem, I will ensure this is fixed for next release.