SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

deleting leading numbers

I have tagged my flac files with leading numbers in the title tag and then let Jaikoz rename the files according to the title tag. I have done this because Twonky sorts the tracks in alphabetical order when in folder view mode. Now I use MinimServer and the tracks within the folders are sorted by number. That’s how it should be - at least I think it should be.

Now I would like to re-tag my collection and delete the leading numbers in the title tags (so that I don’t have the double numbers in Kinsky). Instead of:

01 Andante
02 Presto
03 Molto allegro
04 Finale

it should be:

Molto allegro

Is there a way to do that in Jaikoz?

You can do it,but not as easily as you would like.

1st Way:

Use Edit/Find and Replace
Enter '01 ’ in the Find field (don’t enter the quotes)
Set Columns field to Title
Select Replace All

Repeat for 02,03 ectera

(If find and replace supported regular expressions this could be done in one go)

2nd Way:

Select Advanced/Export
Modify the contents of the title column in another application such as spreadsheet
Select Advanced/Import to overwrite the values in Jaikoz withe modified values from the spreadsheet.

If you only want to delete the numbers from the file name and aren’t concerned about modifying the tag, then you can use a program like Bulk Rename Utility, found at

I just load all my files in that program and then tell it to remove the first 3 characters of the file name (the 00 numbers and the space after). It then will go through and rename all the files for me. It can do far more than just that as well, but I find it great for even the quick easy file renaming. So much better having it done in a few clicks, then spending hours modifying each file name individually.

Thank you. I think I will do it with Export/Import and modify the tags with FileMaker.

It’s not quite as simple as delete the first three characters. Sometimes I have leading numbers with two characters plus space, sometimes it’s only one (if an album contains less than ten tracks), sometimes there is no leading number at all (when an album contains only one track like Arvo P�rt’s Passio Domini nostri Jesu secundum Joannem). But it can be done with FileMaker’s text calculating features.

By the way, I have decided to keep the leading number in the file name and only change the title tags. So I have the best from two worlds: I can see the right order of the tracks if I’m looking via the file system. And I have the right sort order when listening to the music because MinimServer is looking for the respective tag. I’m happy.

I was successful with a handful of folders, but now I have a csv file which always leads to the error message “Input lenght = 1”. What I’m doing wrong?

Here are the files:

Hi, in your converted file you seem to have just lost the eoln character at the end of each line, so whereas there was previously one line per song you now have the whole file on one line.

If you are not sure how this happened I would recommend exporting the file in xls (older Excel format) format instead, I assume Filemaker can open and save files of this format.

It must have been something with FileMaker. I tried it a dozen times and suddenly, without changing anything (at least I think so) it worked like it did before. Thank you.