SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Deleting Duplicates

I had a very disturbing issue the other day deleting duplicates by AcousticID. After correcting metadata I ran a Duplicate delete on 10,000 songs and it deleted around 700. OK, might be. I was curious so after deleting those I ran another check… and I was surprised to find it found another 700 or slightly less! I thought that maybe you mighnt have say 3 duplicates of the same song and Jaikoz only deleted on at a time so I deleted those too. But running the deletion process again found another bunch of songs (always less or equal in number than the previous run). I ran the process a number of times and finally ended up with 700 songs from 10,000 so obviously something is wrong. Fortunately I had a backup of those songs and restored them, but I am not using this option anymore!

Hi, when you run Delete Duplicates Jaikoz marks them for deletion but doesn’t actually delete them until you run Save Changes, so I think each time you run Delete Duplicates it is just refinding the same songs every time which is borne out by the total number of songs eventually deleted being about 700.

So the question is was it right to mark these 700 songs as duplicates, I expect it was but you can check what it was finding as a duplicate by using Filter/AcoustId Id/Duplicate Acoust Ids. Then you can see if the results look correct. Because I don’t have access on your collection it is a bit hard for me to comment further.

Also remember when just deleting duplicates by Acoustid it means that the same recording on two different albums will be marked as duplicates, so it may be that you should be using the It has the same Mb Id, Album Id and AcoustId Id option.

Actually each time I ran the task I saved and thus deleted the files. That is why it was strange that Jaikoz found duplicates indefinitely! In the end I had only 700 songs in my folder (starting with 10000) and I’m sure it would had deleted those too had I continued.

Oh right, ok then my my first thought was that it was marking all songs with no acoustid id as duplicates, and unless you have run Retrieve AcoustIds ids since updating to 4.4.0 again your songs will only have fingerprints not ids.

However I tried this and had no problems, might be worth trying anyway, and more importantly please send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files)

Thanks, I’ll try it out! Currently I’m using Similarity and Duplicate File Detective to find duplicates. I won’t use Jaikoz anymore for that. Of course it’s great with tagging. Bye!

Mike, could you please send me your support files so I can investigate the problem you had.