SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Deleting Duplicates process?

Ok… so now that I am back on track and using SongKong, I have a question regarding how it processes and deletes duplicates.

How does it choose?

Reason I ask is that when SongKong first processes my mp3’s, it processes everything, so if there are dups it renames them for me like example:

There are 2 songs with the 7d6dc179-c042-466a-b4da-5ff4559f4fc9:dac96f18-121a-4cc1-8386-d948e189c466:08:96b4b513-6e95-4a41-b577-f33e726d0f10 key

Keep W:\Dups\Oldies\Neil Sedaka\Tuneweaver\Neil Sedaka - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do(1).mp3
Deleted W:\Dups\Oldies\Neil Sedaka\Tuneweaver\Neil Sedaka - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.mp3

Now what I would like to do is keep the one that has bottom one and not the top with the (1). It does it fine on some and others keeps the wrong one I want. I am not sure how it decides which one to delete, but this would save me time from going back and locating those bad choices. Can this be impletmented in a future release? Or?


Actually if those files are the same it should always pick the one with the (1) for deletion. I wonder is the one with (1) slightly larger file, because if so that is the problem with SongKong preferring the larger file over the smaller one.

Actually checked the code and that is incorrect SongKong doesn’t use filesize, instead it checks the following criteria to find the file to delete, the first criteria it establishes a difference between the files is what is used to determine the deleted file.

File Format (keep lossless over lossy etc, mp4 over mp3 etc)
BitRate (keep higher bitrate)
Track Duration (keep longest duration)
Filename looks like a copy (keep file without copy or (1),(2) etc in filename)
File Creation Time (keep oldest file)

So Im not sure why it didnt work for you in this instance.

Ok… sounds good, but I have a followup question kinda related to duplicates.

So currently I am scanning folders one at a time based off of my own genre. So I have like Classic Rock folder, Alternative folder, Country folder and am scanning these one at a time. All these folders are under a root folder called Music. Works great in fact, and I am very pleased with the results so far that I have gotten with SongKong.

So I am pretty sure I have duplicate songs residing in different genre folders. I do the duplicate check delete for each folder after the tagging, renaming process is complete.

With all that being said, will I or should I rerun duplicate check on the main folder (music) when I am completely done to see if there are any duplicates? I am assuming that SK does not compare duplicates in some database? rather file name based on folder scanned?

If so, did I just create 2x the time it takes to scan/scrape/tag and should I have just scanned my main music directory to begin with?


Well, yes definently its the only way you can be sure you have them all.

Well SongKong looks for duplicates based on the option you selected. It will check every file within the folder (and subfolder) you have specified, if the file has been loaded into SongKong before and has not been changed outside of SongKong since then SongKong can check the metadata details of the file from its internal database, if the song is not known to SongKong or has been changed since loading into SongKong then Jaikoz will have to reread its metadata from the file itself , which is a bit slower. Does that answer your question ?

Well you could have done it all in one go, SongKong is designed to let you do that but then again its more manageable to do it in chunks. But Fix Songs is much slower than Delete Duplicates, Delete Duplicates is all run locally without any need to access Acoustid/Musicbraizn ectera so running Delete Duplicates over your whole set of songs again will not take long at all.

When doing a ‘delete duplicates’ action after matching a batch of tunes, shouldn’t SJ know to use my designated ‘Move Folder’?

Can I allow several fix batches to accumulate in the Move Folder without consequence?

SongKong understands the Move Folder set in the Delete Duplicates options if that is what you mean. I’m sorry I don’t really understand what either of you are asking here.

There is no choice of the default Move folder for deleting duplicates; I have to reselect it each after each batch.