Ok… so now that I am back on track and using SongKong, I have a question regarding how it processes and deletes duplicates.
How does it choose?
Reason I ask is that when SongKong first processes my mp3’s, it processes everything, so if there are dups it renames them for me like example:
There are 2 songs with the 7d6dc179-c042-466a-b4da-5ff4559f4fc9:dac96f18-121a-4cc1-8386-d948e189c466:08:96b4b513-6e95-4a41-b577-f33e726d0f10 key
Keep W:\Dups\Oldies\Neil Sedaka\Tuneweaver\Neil Sedaka - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do(1).mp3
Deleted W:\Dups\Oldies\Neil Sedaka\Tuneweaver\Neil Sedaka - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.mp3
Now what I would like to do is keep the one that has bottom one and not the top with the (1). It does it fine on some and others keeps the wrong one I want. I am not sure how it decides which one to delete, but this would save me time from going back and locating those bad choices. Can this be impletmented in a future release? Or?